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Abstract science image - Moritz Kindler, Unsplash

National Science and Technology Council

The council is responsible for providing advice to the Prime Minister and other Ministers on important science and technology issues facing Australia.

An image of Australia taken from space

Forum of Australian Chief Scientists

The Forum brings together Australia’s Chief Scientist and representatives from all Australian states and territories to discuss nationally important issues and challenges relating to science, technology and innovation.

An abstract architectural image

Government Scientists Group

The Government Scientists Group is "the hidden gem of Australia's Public Service" bringing together chief scientists or equivalents from more than 30 Australian Government departments, agencies and regulators with a science capability.

Blurred image of board room table and chairs

Boards and Committees

In addition to the role of Executive Officer of the National Science and Technology Council, Australia’s Chief Scientist is a member of the following advisory bodies. 

Latest updates

Professor Tony Haymet with Governor-General Sam Mostyn
Portrait of Professor Tony Haymet standing outdoors
Professor Tony Haymet
Map of the world with curved lines indicating connections overlayed