Australia 2025: Smart Science

Australia in 2025 will be: strong, prosperous, healthy and secure and positioned to benefit all Australians in a rapidly changing world.

We are told that Australia will need a diverse economy built on sustainable productivity growth, knowledge-based industries and high value goods and services.

In this series, we invited 12 senior figures in a range of disciplines to prepare an essay describing how their discipline or area will contribute to the Australia of the future.

To broaden the perspective, we invited two other experts to write comments on the same question.

The series began on Tuesday 11 February 2014, with an introduction by the Chief Scientist.

It will be co-published fortnightly, on Tuesdays, in The Conversation and through the Office of the Chief Scientist.

1. Series Introduction: Australia’s future depends on a strong science focus today

2. Physics: a fundamental force for future security

3. Proteins to plastics: chemistry as a dynamic discipline

4. Optimising the future with mathematics

5. Australia can nurture growth and prosperity through biology

6. A healthy future? Lets put medical science under the microscope

7. Groundbreaking earth sciences for a smart – and lucky –country

8. To reach for the stars, Australia must focus on astronomy

9. Marine science: challenges for a growing –blue economy’

10. Building the nation will be impossible without engineers

11. Australia’s got ICT talent – so how do we make the most of it?

12. Statistics is more than a numbers game – it underpins allsciences

13. Agriculture in Australia: growing more than our farming future

14. Australia 2025 concluding remarks