Information Publication Scheme

The Information Publication Scheme aims to transform the freedom of information framework from one that responds to individual requests for access to documents, to one that requires Australian Government agencies to take a proactive approach to publishing information.

Agency plan

In accordance with the scheme, the Department of Industry, Science and Resources Agency Plan for Information Publication Scheme provides guidance on how the Department will publish information. The Chief Scientist website is managed by the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS), which sits within the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (the Department).

IPS categories

As detailed in the plan, the Department will categorise information consistently across all Departmental websites, using the structure below.

Who we are

The Office of the Chief Scientist sits within the Science Division of the Department and supports Australia's Chief Scientist. The Chief Scientist is an independent advisor who reports directly to the Minister for Industry and Science; staff of the Office of the Chief Scientist report to the Head of the Science Division.

What we do

Australia's Chief Scientist provides high-level independent advice to the Prime Minister and other Ministers on matters relating to science, technology and innovation. The Chief Scientist is also the Executive Officer of the National Science and Technology Council, chaired by the Prime Minister.

The OCS supports the Chief Scientist's research, communications and administration duties.


Published reports and papers commissioned or produced by the OCS can be accessed from the Publications web page.

Australia's Chief Scientist and the Office of the Chief Scientist are also referenced in the Department's Annual Reports.


The Chief Scientist is occasionally asked to make submissions to parliamentary inquiries conducted by the Senate and House of Representatives. These can be accessed from the Chief Scientist's Submissions web page.


We consult a broad range of stakeholder groups as required and through various mechanisms.

Strategic priorities

Our strategic priority is to support the Chief Scientist in their twin roles of:

  • providing independent advice to government on science and technology matters; and
  • as an advocate for Australian science nationally and internationally.

Routinely requested information

Freedom of information

All freedom of information (FOI) requests regarding the Chief Scientist and the Office of the Chief Scientist are managed by the Department's FOI team.

The Department’s Freedom of information disclosure webpage explains how you can make a FOI request, the review process, fees and charges and contact information for the FOI Coordinator.

Freedom of information disclosure log

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources publishes documents released in response to freedom of information requests, including any from the OCS, in yearly disclosure logs. These can be accessed from the Freedom of information disclosure webpage.