An overview of activities: Australia’s Chief Scientist Jan 2016 – Dec 2020

An Overview of Activities – Australia’s Chief Scientist: January 2016 – December 2020 has recently been released.
The publication provides a snapshot Dr Finkel's work across a variety of domains, including advice to government, STEM education and workforce, science in the community, and international engagement.
Of particular note is Dr Finkel's work in the energy and resources space, where he led the National Electricity Market Review, chaired the advisory panel for the Low Emissions Technology Statement, and led the development of Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy.
More recently, there’s an overview of Dr Finkel's contribution to fighting the COVID-19 epidemic: he convened the Rapid Research Information Forum (RRIF) in 2020 and steered a national cross-jurisdiction review on contact tracing, testing and outbreak management.
In addition, the publication covers broader projects, such as the development of an Australian Informed Choices, which advocates for clearer information for students about the importance of foundational subjects at high school; the Australian Science Policy Fellowship Program, which provides a pathway for early-career and mid-career scientists to become skilled policy practitioners; and the Storytime Pledge, which champions childhood literacy and calls on all Australians to read a book to a child.
"As I reflect on five years as Australia’s Chief Scientist I am somewhat surprised by how much was accomplished," said Dr Finkel. He acknowledged the support of the Prime Minister, Ministers, various federal government and state departments, the Office of the Chief Scientist staff, and others for their support.
An Overview of Activities – Australia’s Chief Scientist: January 2016 – December 2020 is available now here.