Statement from Professor Tony Haymet
I’m delighted to be appointed as our new Chief Scientist for the next 3 years. It’s the role of a lifetime and I’m looking forward to detailed discussions with the Minister about a program of work.
Australia has superb science and research talent. Kilo for kilo, Australian scientists match it with the very best in the world.
We’ve got to continue to grow the ways we turn Australia’s bright ideas into companies and jobs. Both new companies, and new products for existing companies. We’ve got to make sure we keep building the talent through the school system – and supporting young people as they make their way through education and training. We need to continue to grow the employment of the full diversity of our research sector.
This is a good time to thank Dr Cathy Foley for everything she has done for Australian science and research over the past 4 years. We will be continuing the great progress she made.
As Australia's Chief Scientist, I'll be emphasising the importance of measurements, data and facts as I work to elevate the contribution of science to the wellbeing and future prosperity of Australians.
The health of the ocean, and through the ocean, Australia’s farms, fisheries and communities – in short, Australia’s future prosperity – depends on slowing the rate of increase of greenhouse gas emissions, and eventually decreasing those emissions. Last year, the Northern Hemisphere measured the largest year-on-year increase in the growth of emissions since measurements began. Unfortunately, as a planet, we are still far from actually reducing annual emissions.
Climate change is just one of the challenges where we in the science and research community have a lot to contribute.
Australia has stellar expertise and clever ideas in many sectors – medical technology, astronomy, quantum physics, minerals technologies and many others. We must always include Australia’s inventive farming technologies in this list. We are slowly learning that the depth of knowledge held within Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is an absolute strength and a national asset. AI is clearly an excellent opportunity for Australia, both at home and as an export industry.
Australia’s science and research community also has the benefit of an active and incredibly switched on network of academies and professional associations – and I intend to tap into every gram of that expertise.
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