774 ABC Melbourne

The Chief Scientistwas interviewed by Jon Faine on 774 ABC Melbourne at the start of National Science Week. Professor Chubb discussed the role of science in society, the need for a whole-of-government science strategy, and Australia’s contribution to global innovation.

“I’ve been arguing now for a bit over four years in the job that we should have a whole-of-government, national strategy for science,” Professor Chubb said.

“It’s not something you can turn on and off like a tap. It’s not something where you can say it’ll be there when we need it or we hope it’ll be there when we need it. It’s something that you have to invest in, and you invest for the long haul. So a consistent approach, a strategic approach, a long-term approach, a big vision for what science can do for the country and why the country needs science, is an important part of our future.”

You can listen to the full audio of the interview on the ABC website here. Move the cursor at the bottom of the screen to the 1 hour and 7 minute mark for the start of the interview.