National Science and Technology Council

The National Science and Technology Council is responsible for providing advice to the Prime Minister and other Ministers on important science and technology issues facing Australia.

The council is Chaired by the Prime Minister, with the Minister for Science as deputy chair. Australia’s Chief Scientist is the executive officer. The Chief Executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) serves as an ex officio member. The appointed scientific expert members of the council are:

  • Professor Genevieve Bell AO
  • Associate Professor Jeremy Brownlie
  • Professor Mahananda Dasgupta
  • Professor Reuben Bolt
  • Professor Mark Hutchinson

The council is the preeminent forum for providing scientific and technological advice for government policy and priorities.


Council membership and operations detail and the NSTC Terms of Reference

Communiques from the National Science and Technology Council meetings

Reports commissioned by the National Science and Technology Council

The former Commonwealth Science Council communique archive

The former Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council archive