On 15 February, Dr Finkel spoke at the launch of Innovation Central, a collaboration led by CISCO to spur and showcase applications of the Internet of Things

On 12 February, the global science community announced that gravitational waves had, for the first time, been detected.

On 10 February 2016, Dr Finkel made his first appearance before the Senate Estimates hearings.

On 3 February, Dr Finkel delivered a keynote address to the Global Research Infrastructure Forum.

On 25 September, Professor Chubb delivered a public lecture at the Treasury Theatre in Melbourne.

On 22 May 2014, Professor Chubb delivered a public lecture at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

On 21 May 2014, Professor Chubb delivered the keynote address at the ATSE Clunies Ross Awards Dinner.

On 26 March, Professor Chubb delivered the Keynote Address at the Research Data Alliance Third Plenary in Dublin, Ireland.

On 18 March 2014, Professor Chubb addressed the National Press Club as part of the two-day Science Meets Parliament event run by

On Thursday 27 February, Professor Chubb delivered the keynote address at the Universities Australia Higher Education Conference.